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The Permanent Mission of Italy to the OSCE launches an online collection of OSCE Guidelines

The Permanent Mission of Italy to the OSCE in Vienna, under the coordination of Ambassador Stefano Baldi, has curated a comprehensive collection of OSCE Guidelines, which is now available online.

The new publication is an unofficial reference collection of OSCE resources such as guidebooks, best practices, manuals, toolkits, and documents of general interest, covering the entire work of the Organisation on the politico-military, economic- environmental human dimensions of security as well as on cross-dimensional issues.

Such material has been published in English by the OSCE Secretariat, by the Autonomous Institutions (the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights  – ODIHR, the Representative on Freedom of the Media  – RFoM, the High Commissioner on National Minorities – HCNM), and by the OSCE field missions. It is intended to support participating States in the implementation of OSCE commitments and the work of civil society organisations and other relevant stakeholders.

The collection of OSCE Guidelines is freely accessible through the following link.