Under-secretary Picchi addresses “OSCE-wide Cyber Security Conference” in Rome
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the “natural forum” in which “to debate and find common solutions together” to the challenges posed in the cyber sector. The statement was made by the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Guglielmo Picchi, in his address to the OSCE Conference “How to lower the risks of conflict and misunderstandings between states in cyberspace”, promoted by the 2018 Italian Chairmanship of the Vienna-based Organization. Undersecretary Picchi said that the threats are “increasingly complex” as they not only concern the States but have a “direct impact on the every-day lives of our citizens”. In his address, he also highlighted Italy’s efforts in this sector. He said: “We have tried to uniform all our activities, bringing them all at Cabinet level,” recalling the creation of a Cabinet-level Cybersecurity Unit which pools together “all levels of administration” in charge of assuring the national security.